It makes me sick to my stomach to think about someone else living in this house. I remember standing on Allie's window seal, full on pregnant painting it green. I remember laying on the floor in there while still pregnant & thinking how perfect her room was & just waiting for her to come. I picked EVERYTHING in her room and it was perfect. Same thing with Kole's room. I painted his wall a chocolate brown when I should have been laying in bed on bedrest. I rocked him to sleep countless nights in his rocking chair in the corner. My best memories in this house are laying on the floor with the kids in the playroom. Tim & I will lay in there for hours with them, just playing. Tim installed the sprinklers, Tim laid the sod, we both planted the flowers, Tim built me my raised garden, I planted the veggies in it. We hand picked everything for this house... the counters the cabinets, floors, paint, even the textures on the walls.
On one hand, it will be nice to get into a new house and start fresh. In some ways I cant wait to get out of this house because I think I associate this house with being broke. It feels a litte claustrophobic.
Tonight I'm just feeling a little down looking at all the naked walls & boxes that scatter this house. I dread the time that Allie will be wanting to go "home" when we do move into our new house. How do I explain to a 2 year old that we're not going "home", that this IS our "home"? I guess life goes on... after all this is just a house. So for now, bu-bye house...

I'm so sorry you're feeling down. Sometimes, life isn't all that good and it just stinks. What's happening right now is effecting everybody I know - it's not just you. You're in good company.
That aside, you'll make your new house a home in no time - I know you. It's always hard to leave fond memories behind but you're hopefully starting a new, more grownup chapter of your life. Sometimes, we learn the most from the worst things that happen to us.
I love you dear daughter. Call me if you need to talk, or laugh.
It just breaks my heart that you have to move. ( your blog made me cry----thanks a lot). But as you said, since all the problems started there, a new start will be a happier time. You made that house a darling home, and you'll make your new house your happy home. Allie will adjust, you will show her, excitedly, her new room and she'll be excited too. You are such a good mommy, you'll handle it just right.
I love you, Jacki and Tim. Good luck in your new house/home.
Sweetie, it IS just a house. I think you'll feel an amazing sense of reliefe once you get out from under that debt.
Allie is waaaaay to young to remember that house; as for going "home", home is where her family and toys and babies and bed are. Kids are so resiliant; they adapt way better than we do!
I think you're both really mature and brave to make this decision. It is the right thing to do, to get you back into a comfortable place financially. And within a few years you'll find another house that is even BETTER for your family. And you'll look back on this time as a learning experience and one that was necessary to get you moving forward.
I'm proud of you both and love you all very much.
oh friend, reading your blog really made me sad. I know how upset you are, I can only imagine. But look at it this way, it is a house and houses can be replaced but your happiness and your family can't. I know how you feel about the kid's nursery's, I am right there with you on that. but I will help you and the next house and the next nursery's will be perfect. I love you guys and just know that we are praying for you and are always always here if you need anything xoxo
Boy, that is tough on the 'ol ticker,... I'm so sorry, sweetheart.
I felt a lot like that about my store. Those were 3 1/2 of the best years of my life, and it broke my heart to lose it. But it opened new and different doors for me. I didn't see them at the time, but I certainly see them now.
In one of the earliest posts for my blog, Hooty Hoot, I said,"Home is wherever my children are." You'll see that once your 'things' are in an apartment, it will become home. Hang in there sweetie. I love you.
P.S. Lisa asked me to tell you that she would love to leave comments on your blog, but it's not set to take 'Anonymous' comments, so she can't.
We both Love you guys, all for of you!
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