Tim & I will soon be in the market for a new mower. Ours is about 3 mowing jobs away from kicken the bucket. And I sooooooo want this one pictured above!!!!! Now, how to convince Tim??? I can tell him that I would mowe the lawn if we can buy this one but he & I both know that that wont be true for very long. Once the newness wears off and the coolness factor is gone... Tim will once again be the mower. Hmmmm (rubbing chin)...
Oh cool! I want one too, but I don't mow either.
I saw on the news that the newest, bigest sales now are the "old" push mower, not even the fancy dancy kind like that one.
That is a beaut, but you can be Eco without spending a ton. Like mom said, those old push mowers are back "in" although getting harder to find. We bought, last summer, an electric mower in order to not use gas. It's a bit tricky what with the cord, but you feel like your vacuuming your yard.
that one IS a push mower. It doesnt use gas or electricity.
I can see that, but, its fancy dancy with a grass catcher and has------paint, of different colors. Because of that, it no doubt would cost a little more than plain ol' .
I have to say, I don't blame Tim for not wanting it. Those are a lot of work, andyou have a fairly big yard. When it's 90 degrees or higher, as is often the case over there, a person wants to get the mowing done as quickly and easily as possible. Ken used to come in so drenched in sweat and exhasted, and he even tried to mow in the morning. I can imagine poor Tim with a push mower...
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