Wednesday, July 9, 2008

the "woodstock of softball"...

We spent a great weekend in McCall once again. Of course 4th of July usually brings about a bagillion extra people into McCall and even more than that when it falls on a Friday, such as this year. Typically we have between 4-10 people on an average weekend. THIS weekend we hosted 57 people. It was a blast! Tim's aunt Debbie & her family came from Seattle and brought some of their friends. When Debbie comes she always brings a butt load of sea food. It only makes sense because since hubby is a big wig for Ocean Beauty. This year she brought prawns, muscles & oisters. Yummy! To add to the chaos this year, Tim's softball team played in a tournement up there. So we had the softball team there as well. All in all it was a good weekend and Tim's team took 3rd in the tourny.

THIS coming weekend we are venturing to Anaconda, MT for another softball tourny. We are leaving the kids behind and in their place we will be taking a gallon of vodka (ok, not really that much). I'm really excited to "let loose" this weekend. I typically dont really drink when I have the kids around so this should be fun. We took this trip last year and it we had an unbelievably good time. I can only hope to top it this year!

Heres a little video of last years tournament...

I'll be sure to take some pictures!


kate said...

Well, I'm mad at you for leaving, but at least we get to see you tomorrow night.

As for the vodka, why not one in each car-seat? Keep 'em safe.

JACKI said...

well DUH.... that was my plan all along. I may even take extra saftey measures and put the carseats rear facing. Just a little saftey net. Cant wait to see you guys tomorrow!!!

Brandon and Lynsay said...

I heart softball!!

Jodi said...

You guys drive careful! (but have LOTS of fun!)