I WANT TO HEAR YOUR ANSWERS TOO SO YA'LL BETTER FILL ER' OUT!!!What was the last thing you made into a heart?
paper… for Mother’s Day I helped Gracie decorate her bag with hearts for her mommy.
How tall is the last person you hugged?
oh he’s probably a whopping 28” long (if that!). His name is Kole.
Speaking of hugs, who is the best hugger you know?
oh that that’s definitely a tie between Tim & Allie
Think about the last pair of socks you wore.
oh man, I cant even remember the last time I wore socks. They were probably just white ankle socks though
What show/concert do you want to attend next?
Hopefully the Dave Mathews & O.A.R concert in Seattle!
What are you listening to right now?
Sara Barellis from my Blog and also a little news in the background.
Last website you went to was what?
Im a nerd… myspace.
How do you look up new music?
usually I will go to www.myplaylist.com
What is your favorite color ice pop?
Would you be in a porn magazine for $6,592?
no… because nobody would want to see let alone PAY to see this (points at self) naked. I’ve had 2 kids! C’mon!!!
Whats your favorite Blog to read?
www.mattlogelin.com oh man, I could go on forever about this guy. He is on my links list. If you haven’t read his blog you should check it out (with a BOX of Kleenex!). Him and his wife just had a baby in March and his wife died the day after giving birth, on the way to go see her new baby in the NICU. Now, he is raising his daughter alone. He is an AMAZING writer and photographer and most of all an AMAZING dad! He writes daily and his feelings are just so raw. You will be INSPIRED and hooked once you read! He has a link on the top right so you can start from the beginning of his story if you want. Can you tell I love this blog??? LOL!
What is something you wish you had more of?
Who does your MySpace top 8 consist of?
oh, my sister, a few friends and a few of my online mommy friends.
Who is your favorite band?
Jack Johnson & O.A.R.
Do you have an addiction? What is it?
unfortunately, food. And to be more specific… sugar. Ick!
What is the coolest band name you have ever heard?
The Naked Brothers Band. For some reason it’s a little creepy and to make matters worse they’re a band on Nickelodian.
Do you like poetry?
not so much. I like to read stuff I understand.
If the last person you dated said they were in love with you, what would you say?
well, since the last person I dated was Tim, I’d probably say “I love you too”.
What were you last sad about?
I missed my Timmy but he’s home now. :o)
Who is the hottest member of the opposite sex you've seen in the last week?
HELLO!!!!!.... TIM COMPTON! Ya, have you seen this guy?!
Has anyone ever said they would die for you?
Hmmmm…. I don’t think so. But I’m sure my hubby and any of my parents would. And I would do the same. Oh, actually… Jake went to Afghanistan for a year. I think that’s pretty much saying he would die for anyone (including me!). Love you Jake!!!
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?
That would be a Long Island Iced Tea. Love em’!
Does it annoy you when people type like they're ghetto?
LOL! Uh, no? I guess it just helps animate the story.
Do you always answer your phone?
Uh… no. Is that bad?
Who do you text the most?
well, seeing how I am the worst texter in America… I don’t text much but it would have to be Megan.
Are you mean?
no, Im more of a push-over. But if you get in my face I’ll be quick to get right back into yours. I get that from my dad. Thanks dad!
If you could start your name with any random letter, what would it be?
I don’t really care. But, when I think of our future kids names (LOL! I know what your all thinking!) I am always drawn to the letter “C”.
Who were the last three people to send you a message on myspace?
my friend Angela, my friend Angela and my niece Katie
Do you like thunderstorms?
I think they are really exciting! We’ve had some pretty good ones role through here in the last 24 hours.
Do you like the rain?
I don’t mind the rain as long as I can be snuggled up inside my home. My favorite rain though would have to be up in McCall. Laying in bed, the rain hitting the tin roof, the wind blowing through the trees. Ahhhhh…. Nothing better!
When was the last time you were sick?
Christmas, Tim & I had an awful flue bug!
Have you ever been into drugs?
no I have never been into them although in high school I did a few. Hi mom! Hi dad!
Does something hurt on you right now?
Oddly enough, I have this little spot on my nose that has been super sore for about 2 weeks. Its even effecting the nerves down into one of my teeth. I think I’m going to have to go see a doc because I am convinced I have cancer of the nose.
What is your current mood?
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with an E?
hmmm… I don’t think so.
What time do you normally go to sleep every day?
about 11pm
Do you like cheese?
yes! My whole family does. We go through probably 60 string cheeses per month.
Last shirt you wore?
I am wearing a pink tank top right now.
How many times a week do you shower?
oh probably 5. Is that sick? I’m just being honest.
Name one thing that grosses you out?
elbows. And Tim knows it. He always sticks his elbow in my back when we’re in bed and it totally gives me the heeby-jeebies! Oh, and the word “pit”… unless your talking about Brad Pitt of course. There is nothing gross about that guy!
If your best friend made out with your boyfriend/girlfriend, what would you do?
I would be confused bc I don't have a boyfriend. LOL!
Who do you know that can make you feel better if you're not feeling happy?
Well, Tim tries but Allie is the one that usually succeeds!
What are you doing besides this?
just this. The house is pretty quiet right now.
Are you logged into any instant messenger programs?
not right now.
Do you have any dishes in your room?
Probably just a glass.
Are you someone who remembers dates?
absolutely NOT! I am probably the worst for that. But I know someone who is really good. Hi friend! You know who you are!
What is your favorite television channel?
Discovery Health, TLC, Reel, HGTV
What would you do if your ex died?
I would be sad. I don’t hate any of my ex boyfriends.
Would you rather get shot or get injected?
what a morbid question but I’ll answer… injected.
What are you doing?
seriously?! Didn’t we already answer this question twice already?!
Do you hate when people call you when you're sleeping?
uh… well I don’t really take naps anymore (thanks to my kids) and I also don’t sleep in anymore (thanks to my kids) and no one really calls me in the middle of the night.
What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you?
probably finding out my mom had cancer the second time around.
If your friend did something bad and you didn't know, but it had to do with you, would you expect them to be a man and tell you?
uuuhhh… sure? Man up!
Do you take your phone to the bathroom with you?
not usually. Although I do take it in when I am in the shower if Tim’s not home.
Do you take the phone to bed with you?
Again, if Tim is gone I take the phone and put it by my bed and I also put my cell phone by my bed too in case someone cut the phone lines. Ok, Im only thinking of the worst, people!!
Whats the best thing that has happened to you today?
Seeing Kole’s smiling face when he woke up! Oh, and getting some KILLER deals at Albertsons this morning.
Whats the worst thing that has happened to you today?
Driving my car, with the check engine light on and knowing that we really don’t have the money to fix it right now. I think something is really wrong with the transmission because it is shifting really hard. :o(