This is sorta how it looked, except the weeds actually used to stand up to our thighs. This is what it looked like after we sprayed & weed eated and installed a sprinkler system (now... when I say 'we' I actually mean Tim). Ehem...

Here we are after we laid sod...

And this poor pathetic excuse for a tree didn't make it into the new landscape plans....

Instead... we made a cute little fire pit out of it! Lol! Really, this tree had no chance. It was dead. We just laid the brick around it, Tim cut the tree level with the top of the brick and we plan on burning our first fire in it (including the tree) tonight!

I'm pretty proud of our backyard and I'm pretty darn proud of Tim for taking on such a long, frusturating project. There were many times that we thought this project would never end. I'm so glad we're past the icky part and I can just focus on planting flowers, trees and shrubs. I can't wait for about 4 years when everything is full grown, big & pretty.
Andddd... just for fun...
Allie wearing funny glasses yesterday...

Kole enjoying some bbq'd corn on the cob for the first time tonight...
I just love summer... don't you?! :o}

I just love summer... don't you?! :o}