Wednesday, December 17, 2008


It seems like I've been MIA from my blog for too long. I'm having a hard time making the commitment to my PC for the 1/2 hour+ it takes to actually write a blog. There are 2 factors that are keeping me away... my little snot noses running around & my motivation. It's not that I dont have anything to write about... because I do. Trust me, I do. I DO. And sometimes my thoughts & stories actually do make it to my PC screen but then I erase. Write-Erase. Write-Erase. Write-Erase. You get the point, its a vicious cycle. I'm thinking this entry will actually make the cut cause I'm sick of looking at my 'WANTED- flat computer screen' title.

First off, I'm impatiently waiting for my husband to call to let me know if he has a job or not. Ya, the economy is a bitch- isnt it.

I've been busy wrapping gifts, ruining yummy holiday treats, making Christmas projects with the kids & my most favorite... learning the art of Photoshop. See, my laptop committed suicide. Luckily,we've had our old dinosaur computer sitting in our hall closet for the past year. AND... AND!!!... that old dinosaur computer has Photoshop installed on it. YAY! I've spent many nap times & late into evenings teaching myself photoshop. By the way, THANKS KATE for the recommendation of 'Pioneer Women's photography Basics'. Life saver! Life saver, I say! Once I can actually make something look decent I'll post it on my blog. I've REALLY taking a liking to this photo & editing stuff. If I didnt have a husband, kids or laundry to do... I could sit here all day and edit. Or 'try' to edit I should say.

Allie has moved on to the new & fun phase.

'Allie, you better be nice!'..... 'why?'
'Allie, dont pick yur nose!'..... 'why?'

'Allie, git in your bed NOW!'..... 'why?'

'Allie, DOOOON'T!!!'..... 'why?'

Someday I'm going to think of something to say besides 'because I said so!' Any suggestions?

Kole is still his cute little self. I swear, I just love that little kid more & more each day. That is not saying, though, that I have days that I want to give him away. He'd probably go pretty fast with his looks & all. He's 14 months old and still not walking. But ya know what, I'm ok with that.

Last night Tim walked into the kitchen to find 2 little rugrats sitting IN our pots & pans drawer. I dont know who's little rugrats they are... but would someone please come and get them! They're wrecking my house!


Dee said...

Well, now let me tell you that Kate can help you with replies to "why". She has , since the day Anna was born, explained everything to her in such detail that if the child could write, she would have 7 full sets of encyclopedias by now. And never in all that was there a harsh tone of voice nor the word "no" for fear of causing irrepairable damage to Anna's psycological being.
So, if you want to take the time to do that ( of course, Allie will be 9 yrs old by the time she gets the idea that she can't "do that",) you will at least get some frustration out of your system and she will be so bored, she'll fall asleep and forget what she asked.

Anonymous said...

'come get em'......why?

Jodi said...

I always liked, "Because I'm bigger than you", or "Because I'm the mom, and you're not."

I think every child has sat in the pots and pans drawer at some time!

Dee said...

They ARE the preferred toy. They make LOTS of noise, they don't break and Moms always let kids play with them. Getting into the drawer is an added bonus.

Brandon and Lynsay said...

I was getting pretty sick of your Wanted title too! ha ha! I love your kids sitting in your drawer, but where was all the pots and pans? (I also really liked their new jammies) I saw like three perdiddles in the last couple of days so I think we are tied and.....I think you need a girls day out so call me! xoxo