In my last post, I mentioned how great of an artist my husband is. So... if anyone can guess what he is drawing in the picture below, post your guess in the comments. If anyone gets it right, well... you'll get a really cool prize. Ha! Ha! Good luck! Oh, the clue... 'person, place or thing'.

Well, that's clearly a turkey on the right,... but I'm not sure why an indiscript animal is pooping jagged jello.
WAIT!!! I've got it!!!!
It's a pig and a fence and a turkey... sooooo
It must be - PARIS!!!
A pigpen full of turkeys - PARIS!
um... close. But I do really like your 'pooping jagged jello' theory.
No no no, Lala.
That is clearly a sheep on a sand castle...and a penis waving hello.
Ok, I thought it was a penis cactus and a cow jumping over a sawblade. Soooooooooooo...
I don't know what the hell that means.
So when are ya gonna tell us what is REALLY is??
Well, clearly that's a bikini top floating in the waves. And a dog with his arrow type tail falling off and------ uh, I give up. No, that's not a turkey, that's someone waving----,see the above explanation. So, it has to be waves.
Teeny, weeny, yellow bikini !
I get the prize, I win, I win.
Well I am thinking it is a sand castle and some sort of animal. Maybe the animal is going to knock over the sand castle?!? He's sure a good drawer....... :)
the waving penis is the bear. The jagged jello is an iceburg and the animal thingy above the jagged jello is another picture of a polar bear. Geez guys...
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