I am passing this on from one of the blogs that I love to read. You can see her link on the left side of my blog (Emily's little world). You can pretty much make up ANY type of outfit that you want. I put this one together this morning. I love this vintage, sorta chic look. LOVE IT! Now go to polyvore.com to make your own! Go!
Oh... and if you click on the image, it will take you to the list of each item & where you can get em'!

Rocken' around the Christmas tree by jackic10
You realize, don't you, that vintage clothes often come from dead people...
ick... dont talk about it.
Oh, they do not ! Its people cleaning out closets----of dead people. Well, they haven't worn them for 50 years, as they don't fit---too many pounds. Shoot, I've got nice things from 2 yrs ago that I'll never wear again, and someday they'll be vintage and you girls will be cleaning out my closets.
Anyway, cute outfit, Jacki----I love what you picked out and I can see it all on you ! Fun !
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