Friday, December 26, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Friday, December 19, 2008
Get ready to pass some serious time girls...
Ok... one of my new faves...
I am passing this on from one of the blogs that I love to read. You can see her link on the left side of my blog (Emily's little world). You can pretty much make up ANY type of outfit that you want. I put this one together this morning. I love this vintage, sorta chic look. LOVE IT! Now go to polyvore.com to make your own! Go!
Oh... and if you click on the image, it will take you to the list of each item & where you can get em'!

Rocken' around the Christmas tree by jackic10
I am passing this on from one of the blogs that I love to read. You can see her link on the left side of my blog (Emily's little world). You can pretty much make up ANY type of outfit that you want. I put this one together this morning. I love this vintage, sorta chic look. LOVE IT! Now go to polyvore.com to make your own! Go!
Oh... and if you click on the image, it will take you to the list of each item & where you can get em'!

Rocken' around the Christmas tree by jackic10
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
It seems like I've been MIA from my blog for too long. I'm having a hard time making the commitment to my PC for the 1/2 hour+ it takes to actually write a blog. There are 2 factors that are keeping me away... my little snot noses running around & my motivation. It's not that I dont have anything to write about... because I do. Trust me, I do. I DO. And sometimes my thoughts & stories actually do make it to my PC screen but then I erase. Write-Erase. Write-Erase. Write-Erase. You get the point, its a vicious cycle. I'm thinking this entry will actually make the cut cause I'm sick of looking at my 'WANTED- flat computer screen' title.
First off, I'm impatiently waiting for my husband to call to let me know if he has a job or not. Ya, the economy is a bitch- isnt it.
I've been busy wrapping gifts, ruining yummy holiday treats, making Christmas projects with the kids & my most favorite... learning the art of Photoshop. See, my laptop committed suicide. Luckily,we've had our old dinosaur computer sitting in our hall closet for the past year. AND... AND!!!... that old dinosaur computer has Photoshop installed on it. YAY! I've spent many nap times & late into evenings teaching myself photoshop. By the way, THANKS KATE for the recommendation of 'Pioneer Women's photography Basics'. Life saver! Life saver, I say! Once I can actually make something look decent I'll post it on my blog. I've REALLY taking a liking to this photo & editing stuff. If I didnt have a husband, kids or laundry to do... I could sit here all day and edit. Or 'try' to edit I should say.
Allie has moved on to the new & fun phase.
'Allie, you better be nice!'..... 'why?'
'Allie, dont pick yur nose!'..... 'why?'
'Allie, dont pick yur nose!'..... 'why?'
'Allie, git in your bed NOW!'..... 'why?'
'Allie, DOOOON'T!!!'..... 'why?'
Someday I'm going to think of something to say besides 'because I said so!' Any suggestions?
Kole is still his cute little self. I swear, I just love that little kid more & more each day. That is not saying, though, that I have days that I want to give him away. He'd probably go pretty fast with his looks & all. He's 14 months old and still not walking. But ya know what, I'm ok with that.
Last night Tim walked into the kitchen to find 2 little rugrats sitting IN our pots & pans drawer. I dont know who's little rugrats they are... but would someone please come and get them! They're wrecking my house!
Monday, December 8, 2008
WANTED- flat screen monitor....
If anyone knows anyone who knows anyone... (you get the point!) that has an un-needed or un-wanted flat screen monitor... I need one! Mine took a nose dive! I would like to buy a used one so I can save some money. Im looking for under $60. I've already searched Craigslist with no luck. Soooo... pretty please keep your eyes & ears open for me!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
A fun Sunday...
We went out to the Hidden Springs Barn with 2 other families to do some family pictures. My good friend Debbie has a 'nice camera' too so between the 2 of us I think we got some pretty cute shots. I've been playing with a couple tonight & wanted to share. I am just loven this camera! Like Heather, I think I found my new hobby. We'll have to get together & play sometime!

Friday, December 5, 2008
Another cute one...
sorry to bombard with photos... I just think this one is too cute not to share! Look at his little teeth!

Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I forgot to mention...
In my last post, I mentioned how great of an artist my husband is. So... if anyone can guess what he is drawing in the picture below, post your guess in the comments. If anyone gets it right, well... you'll get a really cool prize. Ha! Ha! Good luck! Oh, the clue... 'person, place or thing'.

And... we're back...
We’ve been back from our vacation for a couple days now. I figure its probably time to blog about it.We had a great time! Tim & Allie headed there early Tuesday morning and Kole & I headed out after work on Wednesday. Both kids did really well on the plane. Kole cried for the first 10 minutes after take off and then went on to entertain the teenage girl sitting next to us. Wednesday was pretty uneventful. We got our stuff unpacked and just spent time with the family.

This is Patrick (HE is Tim’s cousin) wearing a wig. I think this picture is freaking hilarious!

Thursday morning we got up and had a wonderful breakfast. The boys spent most of the day tending to the turkey in the smoker and the girls hung out in the kitchen making (& eating!) the side dishes. More guests showed up around 2pm and we were eating by 6pm.

Friday at 4am a few of us girls got up to take advantage of the sales. It was actually a lot of fun! We drove around forever trying to find a coffee shop that was open that early. None to speak of! We got back home around 9am and everyone in the house was still sleeping. Later on we all loaded up and went to IKEA. I had never been but had always wanted to check it out. OMG… I could have spent hours in there. It is the coolest freaken store!

This is Patrick (HE is Tim’s cousin) wearing a wig. I think this picture is freaking hilarious!

Thursday morning we got up and had a wonderful breakfast. The boys spent most of the day tending to the turkey in the smoker and the girls hung out in the kitchen making (& eating!) the side dishes. More guests showed up around 2pm and we were eating by 6pm.

This is Angela. Her and her husband are from Scotland and still have their heavy accents. Angela was the life of the party. She told some great stories and her accent just made them that much better! It was ‘blutty this’ & ‘blutty that’. I just Loved her!

Friday night we had a great game of Pictionary. It was so much fun! And lets just say... my husband is the worst 'artist' EVER.

Saturday we got up and headed down to Pikes Market. I just love walking through there and seeing all the colors of the veggies and all the home made crafties. My favorite, though, are the street performers. The kids got to ride on the carousel & we had lunch at Fisherman’s right on the water. 

Sunday morning most of the clan headed back home to Idaho. The kids and I stayed behind for one more day. Debbie (Tim’s aunt) took me to the Container Store, we took the kids to the driving range and ended our day at a local dairy and had fresh ice cream.

And off we went, early Monday morning, back home. Both kids slept the whole plane ride home. We had a great time in Seattle but it was so nice to be home. You know what they say…
‘there’s no place like home.’
‘there’s no place like home.’
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