Tuesday, November 25, 2008

We're leaven on a jet plane...

Tim & I went to Reno with the some friends & family this weekend. We had a blast! We got back late Sunday night and we will promptly be leaving again to Seattle. Actually, Allie & Tim already left this morning. Kole & I dropped them off at the airport around 6am this morning. I have to admit that I was quite jealous that Tim got to experience Allie's first plane ride with her. She LOVES planes! But I have to remember that I get to do a lot of things with her that Tim doesnt, so its ok. I know he was really looking forward to their couple days together alone. Kole and I will be leaving tomorrow night (Wednesday). I think he'll do just fine on the plane. We're going to visit Tim's mom's family for Thanksgiving. I just love Seattle! So many things to do & see! I cant wait! This will be Allie & Kole's first time there. I know I'll have fun snapping photos! I'll be sure to share them when we get back! But for now...

adios! Shalom! Ciao! Au Revoir! Sayonara! Good bye!


Jodi said...

Hope you have a wonderful time!

Dee said...

I love Seattle too----it is just fabulous ! exciting ! and as you said, so much to see and do.
Have a GREAT time, enjoy your flight and your visit and eat lots!

H said...

We'll miss seeing you but HAVE FUN! :)

Brandon and Lynsay said...

Oh friend! I so miss your cute face! Now, I get to see you for like five minutes.... then your off to Seattle. Which I might add that I am super jealous about... so while your there please do the following: visit the rack, get a coffee at a local drive through, visit Fred Meyers, go to a coy pond, eat a yogurt covered raisins and visit this super cool store at their airport that sells lots of funky things. Can't remember the name though :) see I really wish I could fit in your carry on. Oh that's right, you'd have to saw me in half and take two which would cost you atleast $25 more dollars :) love ya, have fun and Happy Turkey Day!

kate said...

Fun!!! That's so cool that Tim is spending some quality time with just Allie. What a great daddy.

Hope you guys have tons of fun; Seattle is GREAT. Go to the zoo if you can; it is be BEST ZOO EVER.

Anonymous said...

ps.....thank you for the bag o baby books. i started reading 'what to expect when youre expecting' yesterday. ;)