This is my Lisa (Hi Leesers!). I love this girl more than she probably knows. We go waaaay back... to birth actually. We have many memories together. I remember when we used to ride our bikes around her neighborhood block and taunt the cute boys that lived down the street. We had many lemonade stands together. We walked around the block selling old used books to people we didnt know. We painted the leaves of trees that surrounded our 'forts'. We walked to Albertsons countless times. We shared milk shakes & fries at Sunrise Cafe. We made cool things with her Light Brite. We played dolls. We watched Pretty Women & Sargent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band over and over and over. We made up dances. We tanned on the deck. We pimped it in her little car downtown on the strip. I accompanied her the first time she ever drove the wrong way down a one way street. Lisa and I have had soooo many memories together. These are not even half of them. Once high school ended we kind of 'did our own thing' and went our separate ways. Now I'm married with 2 kids and my Lisa is having her first baby. I am SO COMPLETELY happy for her. I am so excited that she will get to see what it is like to love her baby and be loved by her baby. I feel maybe this pregnancy happened for a reason. Maybe Lisa & I will start a new journey together through adult life.
Lisa, I love you so so much... WAY more than you probably know. Every time I see you I can just feel myself light up. Even now, when I am around you I just get giggly. We have this history together like no one else has. I am so proud of you for what you were, what you are and what you are going to be. I KNOW you will be a great mom and I am so excited for you to feel the overwhelming feeling of love with your baby.
ps- Lisa gets to find out (hopefully!) what she is having on Wednesday!!!
Oh, that is such a sweet post!! I loved reading your history; you two are more like sisters than cousins.
You are both so dang cute!! Look at her little pooch! :)
jackson you are so good. im crying. haha. i cant believe you remember all the same things i do. you have always been my best friend and ive missed you over the years. i remember crying at your wedding shower because i knew things were gonna be different. thank you so much for that post...it means alot. :) i love you.
Gocki! I love that, it made me cry too! I hope that 'motherhood' gives you and Lisa more in common again.
We love you so much!
oh, I didnt want you to cry. I just wanted you to know how much you STILL mean to me! xoxo
I've always known how much Lisa means to you - you tell me often. Now matter how life changes, you will always have the memories and bond that you've had since birth. It's just nice to remind someone you love, how much you still love them. I'm glad you took the time to remind Lisa how much she means to you.
You girls were definately peas in a pod and I had so much fun watching you both grow up and I'm terribly proud of both of you for the wonderful women you have become. Lisa, you'll always be like my second daughter too.
That was sweet. And, yes, it means the world to someone you love when you TELL them how much they mean to you. We all think people we love know it, but the "I love you" means so much.
Good for you---you two have always been close. Its beautiful.
well ya know....i cry extra easy now days. its baby's fault. haha.
This is just too dang cute! We all need to get together more often and have baby/mommy gatherings... and no babies/mommy gatherings! :)
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