our dinner swap was today so I spent a good portion of Monday cooking & making a big mess in my kitchen! It was fun! And it looks like I got a variety of some yummy dinners out of the deal! I'd say it's definitly worth it. I spent about $94.oo on everything and I got 15 dinners. I even had some stuff left over from making my own so I put them in tins to put in my freezer... so really I got 18 dinners out of the deal. Yay!
WOW ! Little Miss Suzie Homemaker! Looks yummy and you came out with some good meals, that is such a great idea. Good for you girls. !
Well that looked pretty! Glad you got it done!
That is so cool, but what I'm really excited about is your photographs!! You have a real eye for layout and design. Did you get a new camera?
ah, thanks. Nope... no new camera. Im just using my trusty ol' point & shoot. If I had a 'nice' camera ooohhh how I could have SO much fun!
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