that I'm joining a 'dinner co-op'? Well, I am and I am really excited about it! I think this will be a great way to save money on our grocery bill and an even better way to eat 'outside the box'. I had a choice to either make 15 meals or 30. This being my first time, I chose 15. So this weekend I'll put on my apron & baking mitts and cook up 15 of the same meals, package them & then freeze them. Tuesday we will meet at a designated spot and swap! So, in the end... I'll end up with 15 different yummy meals to take home for my family! Wa-la! If I decide that I really like it this time, maybe I'll try doing 30 next month. Then I will trade and bring home 30 different meals. I am going to try a 'Mexican Cornbread Casserole'. Wish me luck!
That's such a great idea!!!! How'd you find out about it??
Wow, heat n' eat dinners every night for just one day of work! AWESOME!
my sister just joined it and she loves it. She said it saves on her grocery bill and she rarely has to cook dinner. Kate... just do a google search with your area and 'dinner co-op' or 'dinner swap'. Maybe you could find somthing.
Damn, that requires cooking doesn't it? Can ya join one where ya just get the meals and don't hafta cook???
LOL! I betchya could... somewhere.
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