... Thats right. I think pretty much everyone knows by now that I'm knocked up... again! We've made it 'out of the woods' and have hit the 12 week mark. Finally! We're a little bit of both... excited and nervous. But for me, I'd say mostly nervous! For those who know me, they know that I don't finish things that I start. I am soooo good at starting a craft/project and then not finishing it. Thats pretty much how my pregnancies go as well. I cook em' and then evict em' early! Not this one though... we're doing things a little different this time around. I go in on Friday morning for a cerclage surgery (if you don't know what a cerclage is, google it). I won't go into too much detail. That plus some progesterone injections each week should hopefully hold me up without any bedrest until November/December. Wish us luck! By the way, my due date is December 4th and we are NOT finding out the sex of the baby. :o}