Sunday, September 7, 2008

I havent felt such achievment since...

uh... childbirth.
I did it!
I finally did it!
I decided to give my sewing machine just one last try. The problem ended up being pretty simple now that I look back. My tension was too high. Thats it. That was my problem! So, I just finished my first rag quilt. Yes, its only about 2'x2', but thats ok. Its still super cute and I am super proud of it! Its in the washing machine now. When its done I'll take a picture of it and post it.

Go me!


Brandon and Lynsay said...

wahoo!! good job friend!! your one determined little lady!

kate said...

Yay you!!! I knew you could do it; I'm proud of you for giving it another try. Sometimes you just have to walk away and come back later when you're fresh. Can't wait to see pictures!! It can be a quilt for one of Allie's babies. Or, maybe it will be her new favorite thing to snuggle.

Good job!

Jodi said...

Well I'm glad you figured it out. Sewing can be so frustrating but also so rewarding once (and if) you figure it out. I never did...

Dee said...

Hey, I commented this morning and its not here.------one more time.

Atta girl. I knew you could do it and how wise to make something small first. Show us !