Sunday, September 2, 2007

iM hErE... aLiVe & StIlL kIcKeN...

Ok, so Im a bad blogger.Yes, you would think that since I sit here. all. day. long. I would be a champion blogger, but Im not. Everything is looken good. I have now been here for 10 days and Ive succesfully hit my 29 week mark on Saturday. I did have one day full of contractions(Thursday). They upped my magnesium that night. It must have done somthing because I havent been contracting regularly since then. I have a Fetal Fibronectin test on Thursday or Friday. That will give us some insight if I will or will not be giving birth in the next two weeks. Gives me somthing to look forward to. Anyways, thats about it!


Jodi said...

You're doing wonderful sweet daughter! Hey, do you want me to put a picture of the 3 of you on your blog for you????

Dee said...

I am so proud of you that you are so cheerful, and are keeping your sense of humor. Atta girl !
LOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!! Gramma

Linda said...

Jacki Dee, you are an amazing woman. I'd be climbing the walls, but you continue to be pleasant, and even CHEERFUL for heavens sake! I love calling you on the phone and hearing your cute giggles. You are a sweetheart, and a WONDERFUL Momma. Cole and Alli are lucky to have you.