Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Facebook Detox...

I just got done looking back at several years worth of blog entries. 4 years to be exact. While reading these entries, I kept thinking to myself, 'wow, I'm so glad I have these stories to look back on'. My entries range from, kids. financial wowes. house stuff. marriage. pregnancy. bedrest. wishes. wants. vacations. friends & family. hard times and good times. I can honestly say, I am so glad I have blogged over the years. CAN I SAY THAT ABOUT FACEBOOK???? Will I look back and say, 'wow, I'm so glad I facebooked about this & that'? No... probably not. And because of facebook, my blog has been horribly neglected. Facebook is a great way for people to connect. But I'm starting to feel too connected. Facebook is part of the reason why I didn't feel the need to go to my 10 year high school reunion. I already know what EVERY. SINGLE. person from high school is up to. I know if they're married, single, gay, how many kids, where they've been and what they ate for breakfast that day. And honestly, there are just some things that I don't want to know about certain friends & family. So my friends, this is why I'm doing a FACEBOOK DETOX. Starting on Monday, October 3rd , I will remove facebook from my favorites list and have Tim change my password. Instead, I will blog each day. I will do this for a week straight {and maaaybe even longer, who know!}. And I will be sooooo glad I did. :o}



Jodi said...

Good idea! I love my blog as well. It's so much fun to look back at all the things I've written. It will be nice to have you back on the blog and I'm looking forward to what you have to say.

and ok, I'll join you...

Unknown said...

So funny, I randomly clicked on your blog from 'Next Blog' and the whole FB Detox thing has been thrown around a lot in our circle of friends recently. I wrote a blog for many years and printed out all of my entries, you are right- those are the things you will cherish and look back on fondly! Best wishes on your detox- be strong!

Kami Satterlee said...

So glad!:) I too hate facebook which is why I update my blog so damn much.haha

Linda said...

I'm thinking I might just do the same. Count me in! We'll see how long it lasts! LOL

Linda said...

Sounds like a good idea. Count me in. I don't know how long it will last, but I'm tired of fb.

Dee said...

yeaaa, I love seeing all your blogs and feel good that this can be done w/o fear of "stalking". I'm just an on-looker as I don't have a life, therefore have nothing to blog that would be of interest.

ohhhh, same here, no word----