Let me catch you up on my life... We had a whirl wind of a Christmas. Our little family had the flu (yet again) for this last one. Poor Kole has only had one Christmas in his little life that he has actually gotten to celebrate without having the flu. We survived though! We visited all the families and on Christmas night Tim got to use his new BBQ that Mrs. Santa brought him and cooked us a delicious prime rib! The kids were stoked with their presents and all was well!
In December we got pregnant with #3. We were both so excited! I had all the regular fun symptoms up until I hit about 5 weeks. They started to go away. Soon after I started spotting (just barely). My dr. agreed to do an u/s and there was no baby. 1 week later (at 7 weeks) I finally miscarried. Emotionally it wasn't too hard on me. Poor Tim was heart broken though. I think the hardest part for me (and still is) is thinking about how far along I should have been by now. Thanks Babycenter.com for reminding me that I should have been 13 weeks today. Ugh.
January & February flew by, thank God. I hate January & February. Like... really hate. They're the worst 2 months of the whole year. Why did I have to be born in one of the worst months of the year?! Thanks mom & dad! The last couple of days have been sunny & warm. Ohhh, I love spring!
Allie definitly has given me a run for my money in these past 3 months. Who ever made up the saying about 'terrible two's' should be shot. Two is NOTHING. NOTHING! I think she broke me down to tears every single day in the months of January & February. Side note: are we seeing a pattern here?.... January... February? Bad months. Luckily, she seems to be doing better now. She is really transitioning from toddler to kid right before my eyes. It's crazy! Her favorite past time now is doing puzzles. She is really good at them!
Kole... Kole is just naughty. He also gives me a run for my money... just in a different way. I throw a load of laundry on the couch to fold and he throws them off. I sit him at the table to eat some cheese crackers and he squishes them all. I put the newspapers in a stack and he throws them around the living room. You get the point. He is all boy. He is a lover though. When I walk into his room in the mornings to get him from his crib, he turns over and says in his sweet little voice, 'hi mommy'. He can really melt my heart.
When people hear that I want 3 kids, I always hear the gasp like 'your crazy!'. I'm not kidding... every single time. I'm not going to lie, though, sometimes I gasp at the thought of having 3 kids as well. Sometimes I think to myself, 'Am I crazy???' These 2 kids already give me a run for my money each day! I'm already exhausted by the end of each day. Do I really want 3 kids? And my answer is... Yes, I want 3 kids and if we could afford it we'd have even more than that. As a mother, my kids are the reason I get up everyday. They are the reason that my heart smiles everyday. They bring the laughter into our home. Who wouldn't want to add more? Tim & I have always had a place in our hearts for 3 children. And yes, I want 3 kids... so get over it damn it! LOL! Enough with all of this gushy stuff. Basically when I really think about it... we already have two kids... whats one more?!
Anyways, here's to birds chirping, warm days & a sunny, happy spring!!! And I'll leave you with some random unedited pictures from the last 3 months...
Allie jumping at the trampoline gym in Seattle...

my sicky kids on Christmas Eve....
back to normal on Christmas Day...
oh they just lub eachother...
playing with playdough...
he's going to kill me when he's older...
she just loves this dog...
And I have to show off my new bedroom that we just finished this weekend. Ok... I wouldn't say finished. It still has a ways to go but the majority of it is done.