Sunday, November 3, 2013


Quiet morning/midnight snuggles. I don't care when they happen... I'll take them when I can get them. Sitting in a dark, quiet house with a snuggly baby, while the rest of the world is sleeping is like ahhhhh... the calm before the storm.  I don't get too many from Allie & Kole anymore... stinkers. So, I have to really soak up the ones with Clare & Hannah as much as I can, because soon I'm sure those will be few and far between too. Pretty soon Tim will be the only person who will snuggle with me! Hannah loves to snuggle. If I sit down during the day, right away she brings me her blanket, binky & kindle and says, 'nuggle me you'. Today {and everyday} I am thankful for snuggles.

Even this beast likes a good snuggle!

1 comment:

Dee said...

Snuggles are absolutely the best ! Don't you love how little ones word things? "nuggle me you". so sweet.
I hope you are writing down many of the cute things they say.
Enjoy, Mama.