Sunday, January 29, 2012

another baby???

{15 weeks}

It still hasn't really hit me yet. Like... not at all. I seriously can't imagine going through the newborn stage again. It's not so much the pregnancy part that I hate, because I actually LOVE being pregnant. I just seriously can't fathom doing the newborn thing again. But, I guess I better get used to the idea. I'm currently almost 16 weeks pregnant and this baby will be coming whether we're ready or not. Tim, bless his heart, has actually come to terms with all of this a lot faster than I have. He's excited! He's always been drawn to big families. So he's excited and he hoping for another boy.

I know in the end, when this baby is born I will love it like no other and I have no doubt that this baby will complete the Compton family. Did I mention that Tim will be scheduled to get the big 'V' while I'm still pregnant?! Yes, this is true... we need to make sure we will not be receiving anymore little suprise baby Comptons. :o)

And just for fun....

How far along? 16 weeks on Wed.

Total weight gain? ehem... 13 lbs. Yikes! I've never gained weight with any of my pregnancies this fast before. My TOTAL weight gain with Allie was 13 lbs!!!

Maternity clothes? definitly YES on pants but I'm wearing maternity and regular tops

Stretch marks? no new ones. I don't think there is any room on my abdomen for any new ones. Lord help me!

Sleep? sleeping pretty good right now. Just waking up with my newborn 14 month old several times per night.

Best moment of the week? nothing to do with MY pregnancy, but I'll be visiting a very dear friend in the hospital today who is about to have her first baby.

Movement? no 'for sure' movement. Hoping it's coming soon though!

Food cravings? sweet potoato fries please!

Anything making you feel sick? pre cooked chicken

Gender? Tim & I both think BOY

Labor signs? no signs of labor thank God. I'm all stitched up!

Symptoms? oily skin and some serious round ligament pains during the night.

Belly button in or out? belly button in

Wedding ring on or off? wedding ring still on

Moody or happy? for the most part happy but Tim can often make me cry pretty easily

Looking forward to? feeling some kicks and finding out the gender in a few weeks {Feb 24th}

1 comment:

Brandon and Lynsay said...

Yay for Baby Comptons and yay for blogging!! Can't wait to meet the little peanut this summer!! xoxo