Friday, March 6, 2009

Grace of Small Things...

My aunt Kate occasionally does a blog titled, 'Grace of Small Things'. I always enjoy reading hers and I find it's a nice reminder of... the small things in life. So here's mine. I am greatful today for...

*the sunshine peaking through my windows
*not turning on the tv today... just listening to relaxing music on low
*sleeping with Allie last night
*watching Kole learn to walk in his new shoes
*The only quiet time I get to myself during the day at naptime
*e-mailing a close friend today and setting up a dinner date for next week. I can't wait!
*the baby shower that I've planning for someone special tomorrow
*my husband returning home from out of town



Jodi said...

Love those! I love that you love your kids and husband and the small things in life that mean so much.

Dee said...

Yeah, what Jodi said. Isn't it a good feeling to take time to realize the things we are grateful for. ! Good for you, good for all of us. Thanks Kate for reminding us to ponder !

Brandon and Lynsay said...

who's the good friend? and why don't I get a dinner date? hmmmmmm who's cheating on who here :(