Tuesday, March 29, 2011
It's a GIRL... and she's 5 months old...
LOL!!!! I'm ba-aaack! Wow... one blog post in a year??? I'm embarassed. Well, my cerclage & progesterone injections were a SUCCESS! I delivered our (gender suprise) baby at 12:12am on November 16th 2010. Yes, thats almost 5 MONTHS ago! Sorry Hannah... let the 3rd child syndrome begin! Here's a short version of the story. On November 9th (a Tuesday), I got my cerclage removed. It was sooo painful but I was glad it was over with. I immediatly dialated to 2cm and was about 80% effaced. That Friday, I was kind of not feeling well, but decided to go out with some friends to watch the BSU bowl game at Buffalo Wild Wings. When my friend Lynsay picked me up, I had been contracting every 5 minutes but failed to tell her this until we actually got to the resturaunt. I contracted the whole time we were there and was really freaking everyone out. lol! Finally Tim & I decided we should head straight to the hospital. When we got there, I was 4cm dialated & 100% effaced. By the time they admitted me into my room and hooked me up to an iv, it was like midnight. This is my 3rd kid... I know how things go and I knew I'd need pitocin to get me past 4cm and figured they wouldn't give me pitocin until the morning. So, knowing this, I sent Tim home to sleep. Have you ever slept in a hospital chair? He has many times (remember, I was in the hospital for 7 weeks with Kole?) and vinyl hospital chairs are not comfortable. So I get cozy in my hospital bed and settle in for the night, basically knowing nothing would happen that night. Several hours later, the nurse comes in and checks me... no change. I'm still 4cm dialated. So, she goes and calls the on-call dr. (they couldn't get a hold of my own dr.). Pretty soon, the nurse comes in and says... 'Dr. so&so wants you to go home.' WHAT??? WHAT?!?!?! I am 4cm dialated, 100% effaced and contracting every 4 minutes... AND IT'S 2AM... AND I AM HERE BY MYSELF?!' So after crying & begging, it was apparent that this kumquat of a dr. was still hell bent on sending me home. The nurses felt sooo bad. One nurse even offered to drive me home, and get this... one nurse offered to CALL ME A CAB. Seriously?! lol! No thanks. So, I'm sitting on the edge of the bed sobbing and I call Tim. He answers the phone (still sleeping!) and I tell him that they're sending me home. His reply? 'ok'... and hangs up. Well, he apparently wasn't going to be picking me up. lol! So I called my mom and she came to the rescue. I think I returned to the Triage center like 3 more times over that weekend. Finally that Monday, I went into my dr.'s office and he broke up my scar tissue from my cerclage. That scar tissue was holding me at 5cm dialated for the whole weekend. I was admitted that night into the same room that I was in the Friday before (funny- huh?!). I got my iv, got my pitocin and QUICKLY got my epidural after that. That epidural was a joke! Tim, my mom, and my friends Lynsay & Anna were there with me. I think I went from 5cm to 10cm within about 30 minutes. I pushed out our suprise baby within about 15 minutes or so. Tim got to help deliver her. And it was a GIRL! I have to say, it was so much fun not knowing the gender but in my heart of hearts, I knew it was a girl... I just knew. Miss Hannah was 6lbs 5oz. and she was totally healthy. She was our first non-nicu baby. WOW! That was long! Just one of those stories that you want to remember forever... so why not write it down... right? Pictures! Pictures!
Saying good-bye to the kids. Hannah was born about 12 hours later.
my bestest friends suprised me! :o} (look at the narly bruise on my arm from the iv they put in on that dreadful Friday they sent me home. %$#@!)
Hannah Dee Compton
I love this man... but thats a whole nother blog post! He has been through SO much with me.

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