Monday, March 30, 2009
I cant wait to show you!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Are these NOT the cutest things you've ever seen in your life?! Seriously!!! I could eat them up! AUNT KATE!!! I know you're good with felt! I know a cute little 2 year old blondie that would look ADORABLE in one of these! And maybe even a cute little 26 year old too! ;o}
Monday, March 16, 2009
i love this old girl...

I heart babies...
Friday, March 6, 2009
Grace of Small Things...
*the sunshine peaking through my windows
*not turning on the tv today... just listening to relaxing music on low
*sleeping with Allie last night
*watching Kole learn to walk in his new shoes
*The only quiet time I get to myself during the day at naptime
*e-mailing a close friend today and setting up a dinner date for next week. I can't wait!
*the baby shower that I've planning for someone special tomorrow
*my husband returning home from out of town
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Bad blogger! Bad!

This is the new nest. Ya know, I used to be very sad about leaving this house. After all, THIS is where I brought both of my children home to from the hospital. THIS is where I drank a bottle of wine while painting big stripes down the wall in the kid's playroom. THIS is where Tim built me my garden. THIS has the beautiful wood floors that I oh so love sooo much. But... we are ready to move on and create new memories in THIS house ('pointing up'). It's a lovely 4 bedroom, 3 bathroom with a den & a bonus room. It's got a beautiful garden area in the back thats surrounded by a little picket fence that I plan on painting turquoise & red (I know... sounds awful! But it won't be... promise!). It's got a 4 car garage & Tim plans on taking part of it for a 'man cave' and doing whatever he pleases with it since I won't let him touch any other part of the house. It's got a cute little cubby sized room with 4ft ceilings just for the kids with a little door and everything. We are going to make THIS our home and I am confident that we will create lots of memories here for a long long time. I'm super excited to get my hands on it and bring it up (or down) to my taste!
What else? What else? I'm doing good. I'm now another year older. It feels weird to be closer to 30 than 20. Eeeek! I've seemed to plato on this weight loss thing. I'm stuck. I'm not losing and thankfully I'm not gaining either. And ya know, why do you always lose weight where you don't need to lose it? My butt was just fine the way it was and now... now I have no butt. No butt! Oh but don't worry everyone... my muffin top is still there! Ugh.
See this (look down). This is my birthday cake. My birthday is the day after Valentines Day and it has become a tradition that my mom (and if you know my mom, this is really no suprise) buys me a marked down heart shaped cake. It HAS to have the big orange sale sticker though or else it just won't cut it! I think the joke started a couple of years ago when I actually had the nerve to complain about always having a half priced heart cake. The next year my mom bought be a regular cake and I was quite disappointed. Turns out... my day old, big sale sticker, half priced heart cakes ARE pretty special to me after all!
Allie & Kole are getting naughtier by the minute. Allie is moving to the gut wrenching 3's. How come no one tells you about age 3? Theres not too much terrible about the 2's. 2's are nothin! She wants to do everything by herself and she's already asking to drive the car! How come I have the kid who stuffs her shirt and begs for the keys already?! She's 3... actually not even 3 yet!!! Kole, well... he's a boy. He pulls hair, he hits, he climbs stuff and he is just... a stinky little boy. Gotta love em'!
Tim is working hard. He has adjusted well to being back outside doing manual labor. Hey, at this point... we are just glad that he still has a job there. I'm actually quite proud of him. I have to do a little bragging here. Probuild, like many, has gone through a lot of lay offs. They are down from 85 employees to about 25 or so. Instead of laying Tim off, they offered him a different job. Yes, it's lower paying and it's manual labor but I really think the it says a lot about Tim and his work ethics. At first, he was a little embarrassed being 'demoted' but I have had to remind him several times that it's actually a huge compliment that they wanted to keep him. Out of all the lay offs they've done, he is the only one they offered an alternative to. I'm very proud of my man!
It seems as though we had a cold cold winter. Lots of couples staying in doors and um... making babies. LOL! No, not me! My best friend is prego & now my brother & sister in-law! I love it! I am so unbelievably happy for Jake & Heather (hi guys!). My heart aches for any women who goes through the infertility thing. I've been there, done that. I will always remember the day I finally saw 2 lines on a pregnancy test! I had been a POASA (pee on a stick-aholic). And they were always the same... negative. Until that one on December 10th 2005. I'm just so thrilled that Heather will get to experience the kicks, baby moving, baby hiccuping, wearing maternity clothes, labor & everything else (good & bad) that comes with expecting. I feel like my heart could explode with happiness for them! Love you guys!
And there ya have it! Thats what we've been up to. Sorry I've been such a bad blogger. I'm glad I'm finally getting somthing new up. I'm awfully sick of looking at that butt-ugly cake!